Tokyo Nightmare
Location: Japan, Tokyo Ota大森西3丁目4−8
Map Author: crimsonwraith89
Plays: 10709
Hours spent making the map: 5
Hours spent testing/revising the map: 10
Hours spent watching/reading High School of the Dead: Probably too many.
People familiar with the area may realize this is actually a junior high school, but I'm not worrying about the minor details in my zombie apocalypse scenario.
This map boasts roughly two hundred buildings in a bustling metropolis of narrow streets and mazelike alleyways. Several larger buildings are split into sections, particularly the school and office building. For this reason, I strongly suggest playing with the walls visible.
The map is divided in the center by a canal. Three bridges are the only way across for living and dead, and make good chokepoints if you want to try to secure one side of the map first.