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Create your own map Spread the infection anywhere in the world!

Last Stand

Location: Chamizal dispute, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico
Map Author: Lefty
Plays: 3225


Assured that you are the last survivors you pit against the odds in the last stand SURVIVE, MANKIND IS COUNTING ON YOU ................One of my better maps
EDit 1 im donating 100 dollar contribute thank me 5/16/11
edit 2 tell others about my map think of it as a bunker 5/16/1y map 1(notice as map is at a dispute look at location
Edit 3 yes i reached a 100 plays lets make it 1000 and i'll find another bunker map 5/20/11

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Share this map at Chamizal dispute, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico