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Create your own map Spread the infection anywhere in the world!

It's More Dangerous in the Philippines

Location: Alapan I-B, Imus City, Philippines
Map Author: Crizaldy Baysan
Plays: 1297


This is Alfonso Village Alapan 1-B Imus,Cavite,Philippines,the village in the center is where I live,my house is in the west of the center village,my name is Crizaldy Villanueva Baysan,even though I am just kid I can still make a very deadly but thrilling map,you have two options here:to kill all zombies to live or to survive until you die,there are 100% armed civilans here but they only have very low accuracy,but they can still support theyre life and your life,the worst is the virus will spread so quick because the zombies I made is so very dangerous in speed and in the infection time,you will see a lot of dead bodies everywhere if you roamed the whole map because of the blazing gunshots everywhere from all the civilian's guns,so good luck and enjoy the game and don't try to charge in a lot of crowd of zombies or else you will be one of them >:)

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