Zombie Outbreak Simulator for Android now available!   Check out the blog post and get it on Google Play!

Class 3 Outbreak requires that you install the latest version of Flash from Adobe.

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Chaves, New Mexico, USA

Location: Chaves, NM, USA
Map Author: ryanjmcquillan
Plays: 863


The infection had taken the neighboring town a couple hours ago, the people in that town have all been infected, and are coming your way! As you and yor buddies are working at the freight yard, an engineer suddenly saw people coming towards the complex! You must battle the zombies, and rid the place of any infected survivors!
Good luck...
~Tips and tricks!~
~There are many freight crates (Buildings with no windows, and 1-2 doors) around that can be used as cover/shelter! Also, you could use the Recreational Building (Building closest to spawnpoint) as a base/shelter, too!~

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